"I'm trying to realize
It's alright to not be fine on your own

Now I'm shaking, drinking all this coffee

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" Sleeping to dream about you
I'm so damn tired of having to live without you
But I, I don't mind
I'm sleeping to dream about you, I'm so tired "

其實有時候會懷疑 到底我們分享老去處 對於"這個心之所向"到底好或壞

對我來說推薦一個地方 有兩個目的

其一是希望在我的生命客畫下各個時間點我經歷了甚麼 選擇一個地方歇息再離去


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"I'll get my little black dress on,

and if I put on my favourite song,

I'm gonna dance until you're all gone,

and if I tell myself that nothing wrong,


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"Get in my fast car I'm gonna take you away we'll keep on driving till we don't remeber our names

I know that someday all that we know's gonna change but for now let's stay the same in my fast car driving the highway"


想要分享此生慢慢積累的, 當時當刻酒吧內的人事物,


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都來自於一本書 "藥物獵人, The Drug Hunter",

總是對有科學獵取精神的醫學科普書, 又帶點娓娓道來不疾不徐的神祕感特別有興趣,

書背接漏的六種藥物 "迷幻藥" "麻醉藥" "抗生素" "毒藥"等等, 都想賦予他一人一杯調酒

那今天, 又想要上哪道菜呢 ? 她給我下面這些意象 


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